Kathleen T. Connell

  • Expertise


    In 2015-16, Kathleen Connell will celebrate her 20th year at the helm of the Pomona-Pitzer women’s basketball program. She has over 30 years of head coaching experience in her career, as she previously coached women's basketball at Occidental College for four years, Division I Colgate University for twelve years, and Smith College for four years.

    Areas of Expertise


    • Sociology of sport
    • Core performance
  • Work


    A Futuristic Study of Actions to Increase Participation of African American, Asian American, and Hispanic American Females in Sport: Using a Delphi Technique, diss., ED.D. University of La Verne, La Verne, Ca.

    A Comparison of George W. Bush’s Leadership in the War on Terrorism to Ten Lessons from Presidents, 2002, In The Body and Soul of Leadership, ed. Harvey, T. and Kemper, L. 2002 La Verne, Ca., 115-129.

  • Education


    Doctor of Education
    University of La Verne

    Master of Science
    Springfield College

    Bachelor of Science
    Springfield College

    Professional Experience

    Coach Connell previously coached women's basketball at Occidental College for four years, Colgate College for twelve years, and Smith College for four years. Currently, she serves on the NCAA Division III West Region Ranking Committee.

    Recent Courses Taught

    • Hiking/Geocaching
    • Tennis - Beginning
    • Weight Training Basic