Konstantine Klioutchkine

Associate Professor of German and Russian; Chair of German and Russian
  • Expertise


    Konstantine Klioutchkine works in the fields of cultural history and media studies. He has published on Dostoevsky, on the culture of print, as well as on Post-Soviet culture and media. He is currently working on a book project titled The Rhetoric of the Intelligentsia Self, exploring the language of personality in intelligentsia discourse between 1840 and 1880.

    Areas of Expertise

    • Russian and East European Studies
    • Media and Cultural History
  • Work


    “The Notion of the Intelligentsia in Russian Cultural History,” The New Cambridge History of Russian Literature, Eds. Simon Franklin, Rebecca Reich and Emma Widdis (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, Projected 2022).

    “Chernyshevsky’s Vera Pavlovna as the Power Station for the Modern Cultural Economy,” Energy Aesthetics: Force, Flow, and Entropy in Russian Culture, Eds. Jilian Porter and Maya Vinokour. Projected for 2022.

    “Realism in the Cultural Economy of Nineteenth-Century Press,” Russkii realism XIX veka: Mimesis, politika, ekonomika: sbornik statei (Russian Realism in the Nineteenth Century), Eds. Aleksei Vdovin, Ilya Kliger et al. (Moscow: NLO, 2020), 378-407.

    “Women’s Prose in Russia’s Modernizing Cultural Economy,” Skladchina: Sbornik Statei k 50-letiiu Mikhaila Makeeva (Festschrift for Moscow State University Professor Mikhail Makeev (Moscow: OGI, 2019), 98-121.

    “Literaturnye predpriiatiia Nekrasova 1840-kh godov i formirovanie diskursa rossiiskoi publichnoi sfery,” [The Role of Nikolai Nekrasov’s Literary Enterprises in the Development of Russian Public Discourse] in Karabikha: Istoriko-literaturnyi almanakh. Vyp. 9. Yaroslavl, 2016.

    “The Culture of Print,” in Dostoevsky in Context, Eds. Deborah Martinsen and Olga Maiorova (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 221-227.

    “A Stutterer’s Mis-Steppe: Chekhov’s Writing in Institutional Context,” The Bulletin of the North American Chekhov Society vol. XIX, No. 1 (Summer 2012), 22-35.

    “Turning Tricks, Baring Devices: Vasilii Rozanov as Prostitute.” Slavic and East European Journal vol. 54, no. 3 (2010), 415-432.

    “Between Ideology and Desire: The Rhetoric of the Self in the Works of Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Nikolai Dobroliubov.” Slavic Review vol. 68 no. 2 (Summer 2009), 335-355.

    “’I Smoke, Therefore I Am’: Smoking as Liberation in Russian Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture,” in Smoking in Russian History. Eds. Matthew Romaniello and Patricia Starks. (New York, Routledge, 2009; Paperback 2011), 83-101.

    “Between Sacrifice and Indulgence: Nikolai Nekrasov as a Model for the Intelligentsia.” Slavic Review 66.1 (Spring 2007), 45-62.

    “The Rise of Crime and Punishment from the Air of the Media.” Slavic Review 61.1 (Spring 2002), 405-422.

    “Sentimental'naia kommertsiia: Pis'ma russkogo puteshestvennika N.M. Karamzina” [The Sentimental Commerce: N.M. Karamzin’s Letters of a Russian Traveler]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 25 (1997), 84-98.

    “Ivan Goncharov” Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire. Eds. John Merriman and Jay Winter. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006.

    “Draping the Mannequin in Late Capitalism: Language and Commodified Subjectivity in Mad Men,” in Transcultural Studies, special issue “The Sense of Writing,” (Brill: Leiden, Netherlands). 2016.

    “Zavetnyi mul’tfil’m: Prichiny populiarnosti ‘Cheburashki’,” in Veselye chelovechki: Kul’turnye geroi sovetskogo detstva. Eds., Il’ia Kukulin, Mark Lipovetsky, Mariia Maiofis. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2008. 360-378.

    “The Kamenskaia Television Series and the Conventions of Russian Television.” Kinokultura 15 (January 2007). Online journal.

    “Fedor Mikhailovich Lucked Out with Vladimir Vladimirovich: The Idiot Television Series in the Context of Putin’s Culture.” Kinokultura 9 (July 2005). Online journal.

    “Boris Akunin: Biobibliographical Essay.” Russian Writers Since 1980 (Dictionary of Literary Biography Series, vol. 285). Eds. Mark Lipovetsky and Marina Balina. Detroit: Gale, 2003. 3-10.

    “Proryv Soprano” (The Sopranos’ Breakthrough), Kriticheskaia massa 2003:3. Jointly with Sanja Lacan.

  • Education


    University of California, Berkeley

    Recent Courses Taught

    • Animated Russia: Cartoons and the Language of Culture
    • Readings in Nineteenth Century Russian Literature
    • The Original Television Series from 'The Sopranos' to 'Mad Men’
    • Tolstoy: Writing Affect
    • Dostoevsky & Popular Culture
    • The TV Novel
  • Awards & Honors

    Awards & Honors

    Appearance as panelist on The Agenda with Steve Paikin, a current-affairs and analysis program on TVOntario public television station. http://tvo.org/video/programs/the-agenda-with-steve-paikin/being-russian-in-2014