Lisa Anne Auerbach

  • Expertise


    Lisa Anne Auerbach’s artwork examines the curious, do-it-yourself ways in which humans communicate with each other—through architecture, language and knitted symbols.

    In form, her work ranges from knitted banners, sweaters, pants and skirts, to small publications and includes photography as well as paintings. The artist uses all of these various and seemingly disparate media as an alternative distribution for ideas and language. Themes such as the declarations by psychics and tarot card readers, issues surrounding reproductive rights for women, the current fad and proliferation of hashtags in our culture, the rise of megachurches, as well as her love of cats, are all woven into the various media as a means of disseminating issues both private and public to a larger audience. 

    Research Interests

    • Small publications
    • Tracts
    • Knitting
  • Work


    Selected Solo Exhibitions

    “Spells,” Gavlak Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2014

    "Chicken Strikken," at Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden, 2012

    “United We Stand,” Hammer Museum AIR: Artist in Residence, Los Angeles, CA, 2012

    “Torn Porn,” Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach, FL, 2011

    The Tract House: A Darwin Addition, jointly commissioned by the American Philosophical Society

    Museum and Philagrafika 2010: Out of Print, Philadelphia, 2010

    “Take This Knitting Machine and Shove It,” Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, UK, 2009

    “UMMA Projects: Lisa Anne Auerbach,” University of Michigan Art Museum, Ann Arbor, MI, 2009

    “Election Sweater Project,” Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO, 2008

    “Auerbachtoberfest,” David Patton Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 2007

    “Right On, Weatherman,” CPK Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006

    “Self Titled Debut,” Thomas Solomon’s Garage, Los Angeles, CA, 1995

    Selected Group Exhibitions

    “Afghan Carpet Project” Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA, 2015

    “Parasophia, Kyoto International Festival of Culture,” Kyoto, Japan, 2015

    “Whitney Biennial,”  Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, 2014

    “The Cat Show.” White Columns, New York, NY, 2013

    "Art and Social Justice," Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY, 2010

    “Nine Lives,” Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA, 2009

    “Cottage Industry,” Baltimore Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD, 2008

    “Make You Notice,” San Francisco Art Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2008

    “Words Fail Me,” Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit, MI, 2007

    “Open Walls 2,” White Columns, New York, NY, 2006

    “The Workmanship of Risk,” St. Lawrence University Art Gallery, Canton, NY, 2006

    “Groundhog Day,” Pestorius Sweeney House, Brisbane, Australia, 2004

    “High Desert Test Sites 01,” Joshua Tree, CA, 2001

    “Kamikaze,” Marstall, Berlin, Germany, 1998

    “Wunderbar,” Hamburg Kunstverein, Hamburg, Germany, 1996

    “P.L.A.N.: Photography Los Angeles Now,” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA, 1995

    “Dave’s Not Here,” Three Day Weekend, Los Angeles, CA, 1994

  • Education


    1994, Master of Fine Art
    Art Center College of Design

    1990, Bachelor of Fine Art
    Rochester Institute of Technology

    Recent Courses Taught

    • Black and White Photography 
    • Digital Photography
    • Landscape/Placescape/Spacescape Photography
    • Photographing People
    • Junior/Senior Art Major Seminar
    • Punk: Politics, Poetics and Provocations
  • Awards & Honors

    Awards & Honors

    Ferrall Artist-in-Residence, Beloit College, Beloit, WI, 2014

    City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs Individual Artist COLA Grant, 2013

    MacDowell Colony Fellowship, Petersborough, NH, 2012

    Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation, 16th Biennial Competition Award, 2009

    California Community Foundation, Fellowship for Visual Artists, 2007

    Headlands Center for the Arts, Project Space Residency, Sausalito, CA, 2005