ITS Purchasing

All technology hardware and software purchases must be approved in advance by ITS. All technology hardware and software purchases will be coordinated through the ITS department.

Types of technology and devices covered and include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Desktop computers made by any manufacturer
  • Laptop computers made by any manufacturer
  • Printers and copiers made by any manufacturer
  • Monitors made by any manufacturer
  • Tablets made by any manufacturer
  • Technology Leases
  • Purchases of enterprise software, such as Adobe Creative Cloud, Office, or any other piece of software

Our criterion for approval includes, but is not limited to, the following characteristics:

  • Security/Encryption capability: does the device have a trusted platform module chip for hardware-based data encryption. All devices purchased with college funds must have this capability.
  • Warranty/Manufacturer Support: Equipment must be new, not refurbished or used.
  • Alignment with department recommendations: does the device meet the College's technical specifications for laptops, desktops, or other technology?
  • Compatibility with central and department information systems: is the device compatible with existing Pomona College systems, networks, and applications?
  • Manufacturer reputation and purchasing policies: does the device come from a reputable manufacturer? Does that manufacturer (or an appropriate channel partner) have a relationship with Pomona College?

It is important to note that even if an item meets the above characteristics, it may still be prohibited for other reasons. ITS will always provide guidance and work with departments to make purchases that comply with these standards and meet departmental technology needs.

Devices purchased outside these guidelines will not be allowed to connect to Pomona Systems, and IT, unfortunately, cannot support them. Individuals or departments that violate this policy can be subject to additional restrictions and actions as determined by their VP or the finance department.

Equipment purchasing includes information on where and how to purchase technology equipment in compliance with Pomona IT standards.

All software being purchased and downloaded to any Pomona computer equipment requires an agreement to be reviewed by the Technology Solutions Review Process.

If you reside within a department supported by Pomona IT, all purchases of computer hardware, software audio-visual, and other substantial peripherals must be approved before purchase by our office. To submit an order for new hardware or software or to obtain a quote for either item, please submit a service request.


Staff and Faculty Hardware Eligibility

Hardware Replacement Lifecycle